Truncation of Notes - TP Please Note

Discussion in Technical Forum started by Ian Marr, Jan 24, 2018
Ian Marr
Has anyone else struck the following problem. It is intermittent and occurs with both short and long notes.

After doing other edits to a person, when I redisplay the record, notes have mysteriously been truncated. It ALWAYS happens at the point "<hr width=" - which did read <hr width="80"> (see attached image) and all notes after that are lost. I know it's NOT an HTML error, because before I do the unassociated edit (say, adding a birth date to the person) the notes display fine. It's only when I return to the person's screen after doing a "Save" on the other edit that the fault shows up.

It's driving me nuts, because I can never predict when it may happen - the only constant is that it truncates at the point described above.

The related link will take you to the full note for the person concerned, while the Image shows the truncation, in all its glory.


Ian Marr
Related Link:Click Here

Ian Marr
To further elaborate on the truncation problem, and hopefully prompt someone to perhaps come up with an explanation, or even solution.

I use the <hr> HTML construct to delineate between different items in my notes, so that they are set out in a clearer fashion. As such there are often multiple <hr width="80"> HTML commands embedded withing the body of the Notes (eg, there may be birth, marriage and death items, and the divider separates them in a neat way.)

When the truncation at <hr width= occurs it is ALWAYS the first instance. Thereafter, of course the rest of the Notes are lost.

Hope this helps.


Ian Marr

Ian Marr
I should add that this problem has occurred when using IE and when using Chrome, so it doesn't appear to be browser specific.